Lake Conway Woods Governing Documents

Welcome to Homeowner Resources. Here you will find the Lake Conway Woods governing documents.  You may download a copy of any of the documents listed below by clicking the link for the document. This will open a PDF version of the file. You can then save it to your desktop or wherever you choose.

Please submit your completed Architectural Review Application with appropriate documentation to

Reserving the Lake Lot for a Special Event

All Lake Conway Woods’ homeowners In Good Standing with the HOA are welcome to reserve the Lake Lot for special events. Such requests must be emailed to the Board of Directors no later than the regularly scheduled HOA meeting preceding the date of the event for which permission is requested. Please include and submit the following information:

1.     Name of homeowner
2.     Address of homeowner
3.     Telephone number of homeowner
4.     Date of event
5.     Time of even
6.     Type of event
7.     Number of attendees

We ask that you limit the number of guests to 30, although we are willing to make exceptions, depending on the event requested.  Please keep in mind that reserving and being granted permission for your event at the Lake Lot does not restrict any other Lake Conway Woods homeowner from using the Lake Lot at the same time, nor does it restrict usage of the community boat ramp. All other posted Lake Lot Rules must be followed by the homeowner and any guests. Guests must park in proper parking spots, may not block the boat ramp, and may not block any driveways.  We also request that any noise and entertainment respect the fact that neighbors live adjacent to the Lake Lot.

We also suggest that national holidays be avoided, since the Lake Lot is well-used during those days by neighbors and may get crowded.

Please email all requests to
Need a Key to the Lake Lot?
Please reach out to Amy Lee at if you are in need of a key to the Lake Lot & Bike Path.
New homeowners are given a new key at no cost.  Replacement keys for existing homeowners are issued at our cost of $5.